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Oh... Fuck. Oh Fuck Fuck Fuck.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

In my mind, I am a genius. I suppose I should tell somebody. I suppose I shouldn't tell anybody.


In my mind, I'm pretty sure that I'm better than pretty much everybody. In my mind, I don't really measure up to anything.


In my mind, I love to meet people. In my mind, I just want to be left alone.


In my mind, I am happy. In my mind, I am sad. In my mind, I am the stand up comedian. In my mind, I am the intellectual in the back of the room silently mocking.


In my mind, there is no heaven. In my mind, there is no hell. In my mind there is no happiness. In my mind, there is no poetry.


In my mind, it is always raining. In my mind, the sun won't take a break.


In my mind, I am completely honest. In my mind, I don't want to hurt. In my mind, I will not hurt others. In my mind, I am alone.


I know that I know more than a couple monosyllabic words. In my mind, I hate the words of bad poetry. With my hands, I punch out more.


I hate coming home drunk but not really drunk. It's disappointement from both sides.


Oh, fuck.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


Don't worry about me, I'm fine. My smile lets you know. It'll let you know that it'll be okay, too.





Sorry God.

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