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As I write this, the death toll of Iraqi citizens in this war to "liberate the people of Iraq" is over 300.

Think about 300 people that you know...

Is any cause, be it "the installation of democracy in a country where a brutal dictator would have continued to rule" or "Everyone Gets Pudding!" or, "The preservation of our 'freedom' as Americans" or, plain and simple "Oil" worth 300 human lives???

Think about those 300 people again... can you even think of three hundred specific individuals? I doubt it. I bet you can maybe come up with 20... probably even fifty if you thought about it long and hard enough...

Would you be willing to sacrifice any ONE of those people (forget 5 of them, or 10 of them, or 100 of them) for any cause, no matter how 'worthwhile'???

I know that the answer is no.

And yet, as American citizens, as complacent and as passive as we are supposed to be, we are expected to believe that the loss of 300 (and certainly many, MANY more to come) lives is acceptable in order to establish (given the certainly questionable purported goals of this war) democracy in Iraq.

I didn't know any of the 300 Iraq citizens that have already died, but I can guarantee that each and every one of them had a family, and friends, and even co-workers, that wouldn't trade the lives of those 300 for the world... no matter how righteous or respecable or 'just' the cause was.

Every one of those citizens had a mother and father. Most had brothers and sisters. Many had sons and daughters.

Every one of those 300 people had hopes, goals, and dreams.


This war, and the greedy, bloodthirsty, inhuman beasts behind it, sicken me more than words could ever possibly express.

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www.iraqbodycount.org         Please link.