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Last night, an American Marine helicopter crashed in Iraq/Kuwait.

According to the Capitol Times today, 8 British marines and 4 American marines were killed in the crash.

The Wisconsin State Journal (owned by the same company that owns the Capitol Times) reported that 12 British marines died in the crash, as well as 4 American soldiers.

Last night, on CNN, I watched as they reported that 12 American marines and 4 British marines were killed in the crash.

This is but another glaring example of the misinformation being doled out by the corporate-owned media.

It serves to illustrate, once again, why we cannot trust the mainstream newspapers and television networks, especially in times of war.


While this "oversight" may not seem like such a grave transgression, I'm sure this "little" fact matters to the families of the four soldiers who may or may not have died.


Life is precious. This war is wrong.

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