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So... yeah. I haven't updated in a looooong-ass time, eh? Totally.

What? The "Beastie Boys" post just isn't as funny as it was "back in the day?" The "Beastie Boys" post isn't funny at all? The "Beastie Boys" post never was funny?

Oh, yeah. Sorry.

Well, needless to say, a lot... A LOT has happened since the last time I've updated. I just took a nap, and the brain is set on "duh," so I may just forgo the funny altogether and just relay the facts, ma'am.

(Where to begin... hmm...)

My band, Big Fat Ass, is going to be taking an extended indefinite hiatus very soon. As it is right now, we've only got one more show booked.

(Capitol City Tattoo 3rd Anniversary, July 5th at the Annex.) This is a twenty-one up show, so we're planning an all-ages basement show for sometime later in July. At the basement show, we're going to be cleaning out the closet on Big Fat Ass songs... the plan is to play everything we've ever done, so it is surely not to be missed, especially if you're into a bunch of has-beens playing stupid Pun Krock songs that weren't very funny in the first place.

Little self-deficating humor there.

Little bad pun there.

blah blah blah

I'll keep ya posted.


So, if there are any Big Fat Ass fans/friends reading this, you're probably like "WTF?!!" but let me assure you... things ain't that bad.

The members of the band are still tight as fuck. This was a (more or less) mutual decision on our part. The reason that we're not calling it an official "Break Up" is because we realized that the five of us, collectively, will always be "The 'Ass."

Additionally, we decided that if we ever come together and are all ready and rarin' to go and play shows/write music/drink too much/act like idiots as a band together again... we will totally do it. So, to call ANY show a "Last BFA show ever" is ridiculous.

Additionally, we are planning on recording the 7 or so songs that aren't on our first CD in the near future, although I'm not sure how we plan on releasing them at this time.


BFA played party in the park and it was a darn good time.


Along with my friend Jesse (fukflywheel.diaryland.com), Dave from Funrod, Mike from The Cardshark Devils, and our friend Jason (he looks like a hippie,) I have been playing in another band.

*prepare to groan*

We're calling ourselves "The Up Syndrome" and will be playing our first shows at the end of May.

We had struggled for the longest time to come up with a name for ourselves... believe me, the other names were much MUCH worse... and Jesse and I sort of mutually decided on the new name. When we came up with it, we both started laughing hysterically (we were drunk, eh... obviously) and then the following conversation took place:

***laughing*** "Is that wrong?"

***laughing*** "I'm not sure, is it?"

***laughing*** "I don't know. Is it?"

***laughing*** "I don't know. Is it?"

***laughing*** "I don't know. I like it."

***laughing*** "Yeah, our t-shirts will say: 'Are you down with The Up Syndrome?'"

***laughing*** "Is that wrong?"

***laughing*** "I don't know. Is it?"

***laughing*** "I don't know..."

etc. etc. etc.


Okay, okay, okay okay... enough boring band stuff. Sorry. You probably don't know us and you probably don't care. Nuge.


Oh, crap... I've got a lot more to write, trust me, and a lot of the news I have is even more ground-shattering than that last little bit, especially to those of you who've never heard/heard of my band/cared the least...

but, now I just don't feel like writing any more.

I promise PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE to write again, VERY SOON and fill you in with the rest of what's going on.

If I don't, you can suck it, Bob.

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