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Man... the "Hamster Dance" really crushed me, man.

I remember 5 or 6 years ago, when one of my best friends in elementary and high school, and still a great friend to this day, showed me the Hamster Dance site when I was visiting him at his school.

I laughed and laughed. I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen... row upon row of poorly drawn, poorly animated 'hamsters' 'dancing' to the cutest, catchiest and arguably most obnoxious tune ever...

...and the whole concept was absurd. "The Hamster Dance"??? I mean, what tha fuck is that, right?

Still, I was in love. In Love with those darned hamsters... in love with the poor animation... in love with the randomness and stupidity of the whole thing... and especially in love with the darn giggle/laugh at the end of the looped theme music.


Sadly, after a while the Hamster Dance and I drifted apart. As I mature, I've realized that these things happen.


However... not long ago, out of curiosity (and perhaps because I missed that catchy tune)... I went back to the website.

What I saw there absolutely appalled me. No longer was the site merely just happy hamsters dancing to a happy tune happily.

The inexplicable popularity of the site had warped it... messed it up REEEEAL bad...

The hamsters had all been given names, turned into dolls (for sale) and had their likenesses emblazoned on t-shirts, mugs, and dozens of other items... all, of course, for sale. They were even selling cd's of different "hamster songs."

Ugh. Totally disgusting.

And, after searching for a while on the site... I couldn't find the song that I loved... the cute, silly, stupid, looped song with the really contagious laugh at the end of it... the song that had originally attracted me to the Hamster Dance site in the first place.

Gone. Without a trace.

Is nothing sacred?



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